

また、シンポジウム後には、東京大学駒場キャンパス内にてレセプションを催します。レセプション会場では、核兵器が人類にどのような代償をもたらすか、をテーマに戦後70年を記念して発刊された「International Review of the Red Cross: The Human Cost of Nuclear Weapons」の日本語版のお披露目も予定しています。こちらも併せてご参加ください。


  • 日時:      2019年9月7日(土) 13:00 – 16:30
  • 場所:      東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館ホール
  • 主催:      赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)、東京大学大学院「人間の安全保障」プログラム、
  • 後援:      外務省、在日スイス大使館、日本赤十字社(予定)






津屋 尚














冨川 英夫
防衛省防衛研究所 主任研究官




中村 仁彦








Symposium on Contemporary Challenges of International Humanitarian Law
Panel Discussion: Human Control over Autonomous Weapon Systems
Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions


The ICRC is an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence. Graduate Program on Human Security, the University of Tokyo (HSP), and Human Rights Centre of the University of Essex, are contributing to academic researches in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law. Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions, the three institutions are co-convening a symposium to recognize current challenges to international humanitarian law and to create the necessary space to engage interlocutors in reflections on how we can work together towards ensuring better respect for the law. The symposium will start with a keynote speech by Professor Noam Lubell of University of Essex, who will discuss contemporary challenges of IHL. The keynote speech will be followed by a panel discussion with a focus on autonomous weapon systems.
The issue of autonomous weapon systems has been discussed under the framework of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). In Japan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has organized the Group of Governmental Experts Meeting concerning Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and the issue has been discussed widely. Both Japan and the ICRC demand human control over autonomous weapon systems; however, it is still unclear what this means concretely as it can take different forms during development, activation and operation stages of the weapon systems. The panel discussion will focus on the technical questions on how human control can be achieved at the different stages mainly from legal perspectives but also with inputs from a technical side, thereby contributing to cultivating a better understanding of the issue and to shape deeper discussions on autonomous weapon systems.

Date and Venue

  • Date:              07 September 2019 (Sat), 13:00-16:30
  • Venue:            Auditorium in Building 18, the University of Tokyo Komaba Campus
  • Organizers:    International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
                           Graduate Program on Human Security (the University of Tokyo)
                           Human Rights Centre (University of Essex)
  • Sponsors:     Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
                           Embassy of Switzerland in Japan
                           Japanese Red Cross Society (TBC)

※Language: English and Japanese (simultaneous translation)
※Networking reception will be held after the symposium at the University of Tokyo Komaba Campus


Prior registration is required.



  • Mr. Hisashi Tsuya, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Commentator


  • Prof. Noam Lubell, Director of the Essex Armed Conflict and Crisis Hub, University of Essex (Keynote Speech)


  • Ms. Mary Wareham, Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch
  • Mr. Hideo Tomikawa, Senior Fellow, National Institute for Defence Studies, Ministry of Defence
  • Prof. Yoshihiko Nakamura, Department of Mechano-Informatics, the University of Tokyo
  • Dr. Jan Römer, Regional Legal Advisor for Asia and the Pacific Region, ICRC