【更新情報】~国際人道問題における原則と現場実践を学ぶ~ アジア若手指導者養成講座



アジア若手指導者養成講座 開催概要 

English follows after Japanese.







日程             2014年9月14日(日)~19日(金)までの6日間

場所            大阪大学豊中キャンパス 大阪大学会館

定員           40名

聴講料         無料

使用言語   英語


主催           大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科・稲盛財団寄付講座、赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)

後援           外務省、日本弁護士連合会、日本赤十字社


Law and Action for Humanity: Perspectives from the Frontline

The Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSSIP – Osaka University) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are organizing, with the collaboration of the Japanese Red Cross Society, the course “Law and Action for Humanity: Perspectives from the Frontline”  which will take place from 14 – 19 September 2014, at Toyonaka Campus (Osaka University) in Osaka.

The course is intended to provide a general understanding of international humanitarian law and action and will cover the principles and rules and their practical application. Topics include:

  • history, development and basic principles of IHL
  • scope of application of IHL
  • IHL and international human rights law
  • protection of vulnerable persons in armed conflicts and other situations of violence
  • humanitarian principles and humanitarian assistance
  • conduct of hostilities and the protection of civilians
  • implementation and enforcement of IHL
  • the work of the ICRC and National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies in armed conflicts and other emergencies.

The course will comprise presentations, case studies and group discussions. The course will be run in English.

Young professionals from public and private institutions, lecturers, staff of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), National Red Cross and Red Crescent Society volunteers and staff, and graduate students from China (Mainland), China (Hong Kong and Macau), China (Taiwan), Mongolia and South Korea with an interest in international humanitarian law are warmly invited to apply.

Participants have to arrange for their own travel to Osaka as well as accommodations and related expenses.

Click to download flyer

Dates:  14 –19 September 2014 (6 days)

Venue: Osaka University Hall at Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University

Quota: 40

Tuition fee: Free of charge

Language: English only

Applications and Inquiry:
Application is closed. Thank you for your interest towards the course.

Organiser: Inamori Foundation Endowed Chair, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Sponsor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Japanese Red Cross Society