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Millions of soldiers from different nationalities and continents taking part in World War II (WWII) were taken prisoners and detained in Asia, Europe, North America, and northern Africa. Thousands of civilians, so called “enemy aliens”, were also interned by some countries at war, on grounds of their nationality or origin.


The fate and protection of prisoners, regardless of race, political affiliation, or religion, has been the key concern of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) since its beginning, in line with the organization’s impartial humanitarian mandate. While the work on behalf of prisoners of war (POW) had earned the ICRC international recognition in the form of a Nobel Peace Prize, WWII presented the organization with a number of challenges, including difficulties to gain widespread access to POWs and interned civilians.


The exhibition “The Daily Life of Prisoners during World War II” seeks to highlight the experiences, sufferings and needs of these prisoners, from the time of their capture to their release, or sometimes death in their place of detention. The photos and documents presented were collected from the ICRC’s Archives in Geneva, Switzerland.


We hope this exhibition will help visitors relate even more directly and personally to the pledge and difficulties of persons deprived of their liberty, and to the tireless work of the ICRC to ensure the respect of their human dignity.


■ タイトル/Title:
戦後70年特別展「人間らしく、戦争を生き抜く」/ “The Daily Life of Prisoners during World War II”

■ 開催日時/Dates:
2015年11月25日(水)-2016年1月10日(日) / 25 November (Wed) 2015 – 10 January (Sun) 2016

■ 会場/Venue:
京都大学総合博物館 / The Kyoto University Museum

■ 開館時間/Opening Hours:
09 :30~16 :30 (入館は16 :00まで/ Last entry 16 :00)

■ 休館日/Closed:
月・火(平日・祝日にかかわらず) 、年末・年始(12月28日-1月4日)/  Every Mon・Tue, 28 December – 4 January