4年にわたり、ICRCそして私自身に携わってくださり、支援してくださった日本の全ての方々にお礼を述べずに、「Sayonara(さよなら)」をすることはできません。「Domo arigato gozaimasu (どうもありがとうございます)!」
私の在任期間中、日本赤十字社とキヤノンと共催した写真展、ショートショート・フィルムフェスティバル & アジア(SSFF&ASIA)「戦争と生きる力プログラム supported by 赤十字」の枠組みで著名な映画監督である塚本晋也氏との対談、ジャーナルコミック『14歳の兵士 ザザ』の他言語(仏語、英語、タイ語など)への翻訳などもICRCは行ってきました。こうした取り組みは、人道と戦争というとっつきにくい話題を、日本でも興味津々に関心を持ってもらえるようするための努力の一例です。
駐日代表 リン・シュレーダー
Arriving from Chad in the heart of Africa, I began my four years mission as Head of Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Japan, in early 2015, by visiting the areas in Tohoku affected by the 2011 triple disaster. I will keep many special memories from professional activities, and also from my travels to different parts of the country, while trying as much as possible to learn about and absorb the culture and the “Japanese way”.
I really liked the words of Hori San, with whom I worked for 3 years when he was Director General of the International Department of the Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS). As he very kindly stated at my farewell party, I tried to understand Japan’s “washi curtain”, which “looks weaker than iron or bamboo, but divides between inside and outside”,“allows to see shadows and hear some whispers, but we cannot find the shadow and catch the subject of the talking”, and “keeps record of the past for a long time”.
My sayonara would not be complete without thanking all the people in Japan who collaborated and supported the ICRC and me throughout these four incredible years. Domo arigato gozaimasu!

Meeting her Imperial Majesty and JRCS Honorary President on several occasions, here at the National Recognition Ceremony, and receiving her kind words, was an incredible honor and priviledge ©JRCS

I got a grasp of the important role of the JRCS in responding to natural disasters in Japan and supporting sister National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent by sharing experience and lessons-learnt ©JRCS
I was profoundly moved and impressed hearing Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki sharing their experience and continued suffering from the atomic bombing.

Presenting a wrath of flowers jointly with President Tadateru Konoe of the Japanese Red Cross Society at the Hiroshima Peace Ceremony 70th commemorations ©ICRC

Collaboration between the ICRC and the prefecture and the city Nagasaki to promote the elimination and prohibition of nuclear weapons and other humanitarian concerns keeps on growing over the years ©ICRC
The ICRC engages in a priviledge dialogue with Japanese national authorities and lawmakers, notably during the annual visit of Mr. Peter Maurer, the ICRC President, who was received in November 2018 by members of the Foreign and Defense Affairs Committee of the House of Councilors.
The annual photo exhibition with JRCS and Canon, the talk with the famous film director Tsukamoto in the framework of the ICRC sponsored special program “War and the Power to Live”of the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia or the translation in other languagues (English, Thai, etc.) of the manga Journal Comics “Child Soldier Zaza” are examples of how ICRC in Japan seeks to sensitise on difficult humanitarian and war-related topics the general public in ways that we hope are more attractive and fun.
Reaching out to the Japanese youth is also one of the main objectives and activities of the ICRC in Japan, which I enjoyed very much. On the photo, high school students from various parts of Japan at the Yomiuri Seminar for Youth impressed me with their questions, showing a high level of maturity and interest for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.Hopefully, some of them will work with the ICRC in the future.
Linh Schroeder
Head of Delegation, Tokyo