【9月21日ウェビナー開催/Webiner coming on Sept.21!】TICAD後に考える「アフリカでの人道支援とイノベーションの活用」/Innovative solutions to meet humanitarian needs in Africa



Humanitarian Challenges and Leveraging Innovation in Africa
– Landmine Countermeasures through Academic-Industrial Collaboration –


※English text follows







  • 開会挨拶/外務省
  • 基調講演「アフリカの人道ニーズと、問題解決に向けた産学連携の取り組み」/ICRC
  • パネルディスカッション:武器汚染と地雷対策におけるイノベーション
  • 質疑応答
  • 閉会挨拶/NEC


[開会挨拶/Opening Remarks]

  • 日下部 英紀(外務省 外務事務官 大臣官房審議官兼国際協力局、経済局)
  •  Hideki Kusakabe, Deputy Director-General International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

    Mr. Kusakabe joined Economic Planning Agency of Japan in April 1991. Prior to his current position since June 2022, he worked as Deputy Director-General at Consumer Affairs Agency, after serving various positions including as Senior Coordinator for Grant Aid and Technical Cooperation Division at MoFA, Director for Volunteering Support Policy under Director-General for Economic and Fiscal System at Cabinet Office, Director for General Affairs Division and Counselor for the Office of Consumer Policy Frontier at Consumer Affairs Agency.

    [基調講演/Keynote Speech]


    Patrick G. Youssef, Regional Director for Africa, ICRC

    Patrick Youssef joined the ICRC in 2005 and completed different missions in Sudan, Chad, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. Between 2010 & 2013, he was the deputy head of operations for the Near and Middle East covering Yemen, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council. Youssef was the Head of the delegation in Iraq for more than 2 years, before taking the role of Deputy Regional Director for Africa, where he managed ICRC operations in the Maghreb, the Sahel region, the Lake Chad basin and West Africa. He is currently the Regional Director for Africa.


    [パネルディスカッション/Panel Discussion]


    坂根 宏治(国際協力機構 [JICA] スーダン事務所長)
    Koji Sakane, Chief Representative, Sudan Office, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

    Mr. Sakane became Chief Representative of JICA Sudan office in February 2021. Before taking this post, he worked as Senior Director of JICA Peacebuilding Office around 4 years. He has 30-years of professional experiences on peace and development. His recent career includes Deputy Chief Secretary at President Office (2014-2017), Director for Planning and ASEAN Coordination (2011-2014) and Director for Cambodia (2010-2011). He has field experiences in Indonesia (2006-2010) and Cambodia (1994-1996). He also served at Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (2001-2003).



    • 澤田 秀之(早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 応用物理学科 教授)
    •  Professor Hideyuki Sawada, Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University

    • ナン・バザード(ICRC イノベーション部門責任者)
    •  Nan Buzard, Head of Innovation, ICRC

    • エルノー・コヴァーチェ(NEC欧州研究所)
    •  Ernö Kovacs, NEC Laboratories Europe

    • クリストファー・ケイヨーシュ(アフリカ連合)
    •  Christopher S. Kayoshe, Acting Head of DDR/Security Sector Reform Division, African Union

    [閉会挨拶/Closing Remarks]

    室岡 光浩(NEC執行役員 兼 CCO)
    Mitsuhiro Murooka, Senior Vice President & CCO, NEC Corporation

    Since joining NEC Corporation, Mr. Murooka has consistently been engaged with global business in management roles of Information & Communication Technology and he worked in global upfront markets such as British Hong Kong, Shanghai in China, California in the USA, and Melbourne, Australia for 20 years.



    冨田 麻美子(赤十字国際委員会[ICRC]駐日代表部 企画調整官)
    Mamiko Tomita, Cooperation Coordinator, ICRC Delegation in Japan



    Warfare, instability, displacement, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and the threat to global food security caused by the armed conflict in Ukraine—these factors are intricately intertwined, and humanitarian needs in Africa continue to rise.

    The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which provides assistance and protection to those affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence, has developed partnerships with the academic and private sector in order to ensure safe and effective humanitarian action. For example, the ICRC has constructed a microgrid to deliver reliable power from renewable energy sources for its logistics centre in Nairobi and has developed affordable, high-quality prosthetics and orthotics.

    One of the ICRC’s greatest concerns is the direct and indirect consequences of “weapon contamination” by explosive remnants of war such as landmines and unexploded ordinance, which continue to plague communities even after conflicts end. The ICRC has already signed MoUs with Waseda University and NEC to develop solutions using remote sensing and AI technologies to detect landmines. Currently, the ICRC and NEC are conducting a proof-of-concept trial to verify the feasibility of AI technologies for accurately estimating the location of landmines by analyzing a broad range of data owned by international organizations, NGOs and others.

    This webinar, which is a side event of TICAD8, will focus on current humanitarian challenges in Africa as well as a much-needed framework for addressing them through private-academic innovation partnerships. Based on successful practices and lessons learned, we will discuss and promote the creation of innovative solutions to meet humanitarian needs.

    Event Outline



    • Opening Remarks / Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Keynote speech: An Overview of Humanitarian Needs in Africa and Cross-Sectorial Partnerships for Innovative Solutions
    • Panel Discussion on the issues of weapon contamination and innovation in mine action
    • Q&A session
    • Closing remarks / NEC Corporation