学生に国際人道法の知識を / ICRC summer sessions give students strong boost in IHL knowledge


English follows after Japanese

学生に国際人道法の知識を ~ ICRCの夏期講座 in 韓国

赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)では毎年、大学生や大学院生を対象に国際人道法夏期講座を実施しています。 講座では、ICRCの活動概要、国際人道法の基本的な原則から実践的な適用に至るまでを合宿形式で集中的に学びます。3回目となった今年は、2017年8月8日から11日にかけて韓国のポハンにて開かれ、共催者のハンドングロバ―ル大学法学部をはじめ、国際政治学や国際関係を学ぶ学部生、また、東アジア地域で法律関連の業務に従事している人たち40人以上が参加しました。





今年6月、赤十字国際委員会駐日事務所でインターンシップを始めて間もなくした頃に「国際人道法夏期講座」の存在について知りました。これまで、人道支援を含めた国際関係論を専門とし、「Jus ad bellum (開戦法規)」、つまり戦争の正当性をどう判断するかについて興味があったのですが、ICRCが特に関連する「Jus in bello (交戦法規)」を学ぶ機会がなかったことに気が付きました。

韓国のポハンでの講座が短期間で国際人道法の知識を強化し、また、実務家の方々からどのように国家と武装集団に国際人道法を遵守させるのか、また戦略をどう立てたら良いのかといった彼らが日々向き合っている課題について学べる 絶好のチャンスだと思い、参加 することに決めました。








講座は4日間と短いものの、テンポ良く、幅広いテーマについて学ぶことができました。前述の「Jus ad bellum 」と「Jus in bello」の違いがはっきりと分からなくても、落胆する必要はありません。講座の始めに、国際人道法の核となる原則と、成り立ちが説明されます。その説明を復習と感じる学生もいるかもしれませんが、新しい発見と感じる学生もいるはずです。

講座期間中は毎日、国際人道法の実務家と研究者が議題とケーススタディーを提示し、その後、学生たちはグループに分かれて議論し、講座で得た知識や理解度を試す機会もありました。武力紛争の定義といった基本的知識の確認から、紛争現場での自律型兵器の使用といった現代における国際人道法の適用に至るまで 、幅広い項目が扱われます。また、 ICRC北京地域代表部の法律顧問が学生を指導。国際人道法が適用するか否かの理解は時にややこしく、複雑であると度々指摘していました。講師陣の顔ぶれも、ICRC職員だけでなく、軍関係者、研究者、そして朝鮮半島での離散家族の再会支援に力を入れていて自身にもその経験がある、活動家のエウン-バム・チョー氏(Dr. Eun-bum Choe)など、ユニークな視点を持っている方々でした。







ICRC summer sessions give students strong boost in IHL knowledge

ICRC’s International Humanitarian Law summer sessions offer undergraduate and graduate students an intensive overview of the work of the ICRC and International Humanitarian Law from its foundations to its applications in today’s world. From August 8 to 11, 2017, the ICRC, in partnership with Handong Global University, welcomed more than 40 students of law, international politics and international relations, as well as young legal professionals from the region for the third annual ICRC IHL summer session in Pohang, Republic of Korea.

Over 40 students from around East Asia gathered at Handong Global University for the IHL summer session  ©ICRC


Below is a report by one of participants, Kathleen Mccabe, who has been working at the ICRC Tokyo Mission as an intern since May 2017.

Why the summer session?

I originally found out about the ICRC’s International Humanitarian Law summer sessions when I began working as an intern at the ICRC Mission in Tokyo this past June. My background in humanitarian aid and international relations led me to the ICRC initially, but when I began the internship I realized that although my experience had prepared me to wrestle with questions of Jus ad bellum and the legality of international armed conflict, I hadn’t yet had an opportunity to look at the intricacies of the ICRC’s specialty, Jus in bello. The summer seminar in Pohang, Republic of Korea seemed like a fantastic way to shore up my knowledge of International Humanitarian Law in a short time, and learn from practitioners about the challenges of getting states and armed groups to comply with IHL.

The Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols are must-haves during discussion sessions ©ICRC


A small but perfect environment for study

I arrived in Pohang the day before the seminar after a brief stopover in Seoul. Pohang is a small city in the south of the Republic of Korea, about three hours from Seoul by express train. The region is mountainous and full of natural beauty, offering a quiet setting for the summer session. Handong Global University itself is situated in the hills above the city proper, with a wide-open campus equipped with new dining facilities and lecture halls. I was greeted at Handong by a number of Handong University students who were extremely helpful and attentive to the needs of the participants. For a first-time visitor to the Republic of Korea such as myself, the students and helpful staff from the ICRC Seoul office were indispensable and went out of their way to ensure the participants were comfortable. For future participants heading to Pohang, I would advise, however, that they bring all amenities with them as the HGU campus is somewhat far from town and opportunities to leave the campus were quite limited in my experience.


The sessions

Although the session was only four days long, the tempo allowed participants to explore a wide range of issues and subject matter. Readers who are not entirely sure of the distinction between the aforementioned Jus ad bellum and Jus in bello should not despair, as the opening presentations of the session focused on the core principles and origins of IHL. While the early topics may have been more of a refresher for some of the students, the session was the first real exposure to IHL for others.

Each day, practitioners and scholars of IHL would introduce a topic and an accompanying case study which was followed by a breakout discussion session where the students were able to put their knowledge and understanding to the test. The topics ranged from basic considerations such as the definition of an international armed conflict to contemporary issues in IHL such as the introduction of Lethal Autonomous Weapons to the battlefield. The ICRC legal experts from Beijing guided students through the topics, often noting that IHL is complex and murky at times. In addition to the ICRC team, the participants were also able to hear from members of the armed services, academia, as well as those that had a unique perspective on IHL such as North Korean born Dr. Eun-bum Choe who dedicated his life to reuniting families separated during the Korean War.

Professor of International Law, Kyo Arai of Doshisha University gives a presentation on Prisoners of War and detention in armed conflict  ©ICRC


Final remarks

I came away from the session feeling much more knowledgeable about the scope of applicability of IHL, the legal documents that comprised IHL, and the current issues with compliance due to the changing and evolving nature of armed conflict in the 21st century. The organizers and presenters were not only experts in their fields, but great teachers adept at succinctly explaining subject matter to students. Moreover, they were open to questions and challenged the participants to come up with their own solutions to the complex problems that arise in IHL.

I highly recommend the IHL summer session in Pohang to any student of international law or to those in a related field that are interested in IHL, but are perhaps daunted by the complexity of law scholarship. The focus on interactive discussion and challenging case studies helped to solidify the information presented and provided a strong foundation for further self-directed learning. Lastly, the summer session provided participants with the unique opportunity to engage with practitioners of IHL who have a firm grasp on the aspects of IHL that work in the field, as well as those that require improvement and reimagining in the future. If you have further question please feel free to contact the ICRC Mission in Tokyo.