イベントリポート:最先端の技術を人道支援の現場に/ Japan: Workshop on drones, remote sensing and AI for humanitarian action

(English text follows)
サーモカメラ搭載ドローンや遠隔センサーなどの技術を人道の現場にどう生かすかをテーマに、2020年6月4日、NEC 本社を起点にヨーロッパや日本の関係者とつないでオンラインワークショップを実施しました。赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)駐日代表部は、産学連携がカギとなるこうしたイノベーション事業を積極的に日本国内で推し進めています。
ワークショップでは、早稲田大学やNEC、Sora Technologyがそれぞれ独自の技術を発表した後、最新技術を活用するうえでどんな課題や懸念が伴うかを現場の実情・実態に基づいてICRCが提示しました。

不発弾探知を目的とした赤外線カメラ搭載ドローンのテスト飛行を早稲田大学と実施 ⓒICRC
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), NEC Corporation and Waseda University, Japan, co-hosted an online workshop on the use of drones, remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the way humanitarian workers respond to disasters, conflict and other violence. More than 35 participants, representing humanitarian organizations, academia, private sector and the government, attended the workshop that was held on June 4, 2020. The workshop aimed at sharing the progress of the project working to respond to humanitarian challenges with innovative tools and defining how airborne thermal and remote sensing data and deep learning could be used in diverse situations to survey large areas of land, monitor changes on ground and other humanitarian needs. Their low environmental footprint could also promote sustainable development in line with the recommendations of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030).
Participants presented several case studies elaborating how innovative techniques could be used in humanitarian aid. For instance, they spoke about the collaboration between the ICRC and Waseda University to develop airborne thermal sensing that detects weapons and landmines. Other examples shared included medicines being delivered using drones, investigating issues in underground construction and pipelines, monitoring movement and growth of refugees and internally displaced people, assessing damage after disasters and surveying mass burial sites and mortal remains.
They also discussed various challenges including the diverse conditions in which the ICRC would use these methods, how that may impact the results and how much humanitarian organizations will be able to rely on the full potential of drone technology.

The ICRC and Waseda University tested a drone with thermos sensor cameras to identify explosive remnants of war ⓒICRC
Mr Erik Tollefsen, who heads the ICRC’s team of ordnance disposal experts, shared that while there is a need for improved database structures, it is crucial that the collected data is protected from abuse. “We can train the machine to recognize patterns, improve the probability of detection and reduce the rate of triggering false alarms. But for the ICRC to be credible while communicating with different parties in the context of war and conflict, accuracy and moral responsibility in data collection would be the key to the project’s success,” he said.
Officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan and Waseda University said this workshop could be a step forward in strengthening ties with the Japanese commercial sector. Mr Benjamin Butcher, Manager of NEC Corporation, said, “Working with the ICRC and helping vulnerable people while maintaining the highest ethical standards gives us unique perspectives on the application of our technology, opening up new ways to help people and create value. The ICRC has clear guidelines on how they work with private companies to ensure independence. The clarity of roles and boundaries allows us to have a very open relationship, learning from one another across the industrial, academic and humanitarian domains.”
He added that Japan has historically played a big role in providing many countries with assistance to solve social challenges. “NEC constantly supplies cutting-edge innovation on challenging humanitarian projects. I believe that the best place to deliver the benefits of innovation is from Japan with close partners like the ICRC,” said Mr Butcher.