Northeast Asia Training Course for University Lectures on International Humanitarian Law

jointly organized by the Korea University School of Law & the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Seoul, Republic of Korea
20-22 August 2018
[Applications for the training course have now closed.]
The Korea University School of Law and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are organizing a “Northeast Asia Training Course for University Lectures on International Humanitarian Law”, 20-22 August 2018, on the campus of Korea University in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
This 3-day training course is intended to facilitate in-depth understanding of international humanitarian law (IHL) and develop capacity for teaching IHL among law lecturers and professors from countries in Northeast Asia, i.e. Republic of Korea, China, Mongolia and Japan.
The training course will bring together renowned scholars, diplomats and practitioners in the field of international law from the Northeast Asia region as well as from the ICRC as speakers. The following topics will be covered in the program:
- Basic concepts and principles of IHL
- Scope of application of IHL
- IHL and international human rights law
- Conduct of hostilities in modern conflicts
- Weapons, new technologies and IHL
- Protection of environment in relation to armed conflict
- Individual criminal responsibility for violations of IHL
- Work of the ICRC and National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies in armed conflicts
- IHL teaching materials and methodologies
The program will be conducted in English and will comprise lectures, case studies and group discussions.
The ICRC Tokyo Mission is pleased to call for applications to the training course from university lecturers specialized in law and similar disciplines such as human rights, international relations and international politics from Japan. Available slots for the course from Japan is limited to selected two (2) participants.
There is no fee for the course or course materials. The expenses for accommodation and travel to/from Seoul shall be covered by the participants.
To apply, please send a completed Registration Form, together with a Letter of Motivation (no longer than a single A4 page) in English, by 10 July 2018 to: .
Download the program file from here.