Position Opening: Accountant / Administration Assistant
Vacancy Notice (Japanese description below)
The ICRC Mission in Tokyo seeks to fill the following position:
Accountant / Administration Assistant
General information on the position
- Place of work: Tokyo
- Working time: 30 hours/week (exact schedule to be discussed)
- Beginning of employment: As soon as possible
- Salary: as per ICRC salary scale and depending on experience and confirmed skills
- Probation period: 6 months
- One year contract (renewal up to 5 years), then open-ended contract
- Performs tasks related to accounting and daily cash management
- Responsible for Information Management
- Handles the logistics
- Supports the Head of Mission
Experience and skills
- Finance / accounting degree and minimum three years of relevant professional experience
- Native in Japanese. Excellent written and oral English
- Computer literate
- Ability to work autonomously and under pressure
- Rigor, organization and ability to handle confidential information
- Ability to multitask and establish priorities
- Strong interpersonal communication and teamwork
Activities and Responsibilities
1. Finance & Accounting
- Manages the petty cash and does the daily cash control
- Manages the expenses reimbursements and confirms claim documents
- Journal data preparation and assistance of monthly closing (data entry, bank and cash reconciliations, prepares vouchers with all supporting documents)
2. Information management
- Ensures the implementation of information management projects/programs within Tokyo Mission
- Organizes regular training or information sessions on information management for Tokyo Mission’s staff
- Acts as Access Manager
- Receives, records and sends ICRC Tokyo’s official external documents
- Carries out secretarial tasks (filling, photocopying, mailing, correspondence with Geneva, ordering supplies, etc.)
3. Logistics
- Prepare requisition-order, selection table and purchase-order
- Monitor outgoing and incoming shipment/freight, and if necessary, prepare document for custom clearance.
- Supports logistic system users to prepare requisition-order and necessary documents.
4. Support to the Head of Mission (HoM)
- Manages appointments and organizes meetings of HoM
- Takes the minutes of internal meetings
- Writes formal and informal correspondence in English for the signature of the HoM and translates HoM’s external correspondence from Japanese into English.
- Receives HoM’s visitors
In certain circumstances, all ICRC employees may have to perform tasks other than those described in their job descriptions.
How to apply
Please send your documents to tok_adm@icrc.org
by 6 March 2018.
- CV (Japanese & English)
- Motivation letter (A4, English & Japanese)
- Accounting diploma degree
Organization description
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization, whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect and assist victims of armed conflicts and other situations violence. The ICRC Tokyo Mission mainly cooperates with the Japanese Red Cross Society, Japanese Government, and civil society to promote humanitarian law, principles and issues in Japan.
【担当業務範囲 – 経理】
- 小口現金出納・日常経費支払
- ICRC会計規則に則った証憑準備及び請求書支払・計上業務
- 会計システムへの記帳、決算補助業務 (仕訳入力、現金勘定照合、証憑ファイル作成等).
【担当業務範囲 – 情報管理】
- MS Sharepointを利用した内部情報共有基盤の利用推進
- 定期的な内部トレーニングの開催、使用法の周知など
- 社内システムの利用権限管理
- 外部との情報交換履歴の管理
- 付随業務 (ファイル管理、コレポン管理、備品購入等)
【担当業務範囲 – 購買】
- 購入承認依頼、発注依頼、選定理由書等の作成・管理
- 納品状況の管理、必要があれば通関業務補助
- 社内購買システムの運用補助
【担当業務範囲 – 代表のアシスタント業務】
- スケジュール管理と会議設定等
- 必要ある場合、議事録作成等業務
- 内外への発信文書作成
- ビジター対応他
- 国際人道支援活動への関心
- 3年以上の関連業務経験(経理・総務・人事等)
- 会計・ビジネス系学位。簿記2級以上の会計資格は優遇
- Webデータベース等ITツールの利用経験は優遇
- 英語による業務遂行が可能なこと(目安:TOEIC 800点以上)
- 多様性、協調性、チームワークを重視して働けること
- 当初契約期間は1年で、以後年次更新有(最長5年)。期中で期限の定めの無い契約へ転換有
- 試用期間6か月
- 当初は週30時間での勤務(9:00-16:00、昼休憩1時間)
- ICRC規則に則り優遇
- 完全週休2日制(イベント開催時に年間数日の休日出勤有)
- 各種社会保険完備
- 以下の応募書類を tok_adm@icrc.org までお送りください。
- 締切:2018年3月6日
- 履歴書・職務経歴書 (日本語・英語)
- 志望理由書/Motivation Letter (A4, 日本語・英語)
- 最終学歴の卒業証書、及び資格がある場合は合格証等