


==English follows Japanese.==

「国連ビジネスと人権に関する指導原則」が制定されて、今年10周年を迎えました。これに先立ち、日本政府は昨年、『「ビジネスと人権」に関する行動計画(2020-2025)』を策定し、ビジネスを行う上での人権の尊重の更なる促進を目指しています。企業は、人権における自らの責任をより一層認識しなければならない時代に突入しました。いまや多くの企業が、グローバルな枠組みやイニシアティブに沿った企業方針を採用し、サプライチェーンを含め、自社のオペレーションが人権を尊重し、人権侵害につながる可能性を低減するよう努めています。情勢が不安定な地域、武力紛争や暴力の影響を受けている地域で事業を展開するなどの複雑な環境において、責任あるセキュリティ対策は、同指導原則に定められている「人権を尊重する企業の責任」を果たすための重要な要素のひとつとなっています。赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)はスイスを拠点とするGeneva Centre for Security Sector Governance(DCAF)とパートナーシップを結び、具体的な企業の取り組みを支援するため、実用的なガイダンスやツールの策定などを行っています。




  • 日時:2021年10月21日(木)17:00-18:30(日本時間)
  • 会場:オンライン(Zoom)
  • 使用言語:日本語および英語(同時通訳有)
  • 主催:赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)
  • 後援:外務省、一般社団法人 日本経済団体連合会、日本赤十字社
  • 参加申込方法:以下の登録サイトよりお申し込みください。<要事前登録>
  • 問合せ先:tok_tokyo@icrc.org




  • 受付(16時45分~)
  • 開会挨拶/ICRC駐日代表 レジス・サビオ
  • セミナー開催に寄せて/外務省国際協力局審議官 岡田 恵子
  • 人権を尊重する経営の推進/一般社団法人日本経済団体連合会 SDGs本部統括主幹 長澤 恵美子
  • 企業による取り組み事例①/住友金属鉱山株式会社
  • 企業による取り組み事例②/ABB 
  • セキュリティーと人権、ビジネス/ICRC国際法政策部門 
  • 質疑応答
  • 閉会挨拶/日本赤十字社国際部長 田中康夫


東京大学大学院 持続的平和研究センター センター長


大瀧 美和子 
住友金属鉱山株式会社 CSR部 CSR担当課長


スティーブン ジョーンズ
ABB アジア大洋州セキュリティーマネジャー

赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)国際法政策部門 経済顧問

ICRCにおいて政策アドバイザーを務める。現在、Geneva Centre for Security Sector GovernanceとのパートナーシップをICRCの代表として指揮し、複雑な環境で事業活動を行う企業が自社のセキュリティーを担保しながら人権も尊重していくためのサポートとして、ツールの策定やベストプラクティスの普及などを推進している。

赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)国際法政策部門 経済顧問室 アソシエイト


Security, Business and Human Rights: Doing Business in Complex Environment

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the endorsement of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Prior to this, the Government of Japan (GoJ) launched the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP) last year with the aim of further promoting respect for human rights while conducting business. Today, businesses are increasingly aware of their human rights responsibilities. Many companies have adopted corporate policies that align with global frameworks and initiatives, to ensure their operations respect human rights and reduce the likelihood of contributing to human rights abuses.

In complex environments, such as operating in areas affected by, or prone to, armed conflict and violence, responsible security practices are one of the key elements to ensure companies respect human rights, which is recognized as companies’ responsibility under the Guiding Principles. To address security and human rights challenges faced by companies operating in complex environment, the ICRC has partnered with the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF). Together, DCAF and the ICRC have developed a number of practical guidance and tools.

The seminar will explore the challenges that complex environments pose to business operations and will introduce resources and tools to be considered to tackle these challenges. Two companies operating globally will share their experiences and initiatives concerning security management and respect for human rights. It will then open the space for participants to share their perspectives, experiences on good practices or challenges in operating insecure environments.

Seminar Outline

  • Date:17:00-18:30, Thursday, 21 Oct 2021
  • Venue:Online (Zoom)
  • Language:Japanese and English (simultaneous translation available)
  • Organized by: International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC)
  • Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Federation of Economic Organizations, Japanese Red Cross Society
  • Registration: Pre-registration is required.
  • Inquiries: tok_tokyo@icrc.org


Please register through the link below.
*We might stop registration before the seminar, once the number of participants reaches the limit.


  • Participants and organizers sign in for technical checks (16:45-)
  • Welcome and introductory remarks by the organizers / ICRC Delegation in Japan
  • Opening Remarks/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Promotion of respect for human rights by business enterprises /Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
  • Presentation of corporate responsibilities and best practices by private companies /ABB and Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.
  • Presentation of Security, Human Rights and Business / ICRC
  • Q&A from the audience
  • Closing remarks / Japanese Red Cross Society


Ai Kihara-Hunt (Facilitator)
Director at at the Research Center for Sustainable Peace, The University of Tokyo

Dr. Ai Kihara-Hunt is Associate Professor at the Graduate Program on Human Security at the University of Tokyo and directs the Research Center for Sustainable Peace and International Law Hub. She is also a Secretary at the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS). She researches on human rights and the rule of law, UN Peace Operations, in particular the UN Police. Prior to 2016, she worked for the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-OHCHR), UN Peace Operations, other UN offices, and also in two universities.


Stephen Jones
Asia Pacific Regional Security Manager, ABB

Stephen Jones is the Asia Pacific Regional Security Manager at ABB, a leading global technology company, based in Thailand. With over 20 years’ experience living and working in the Asia Pacific Region, his current portfolio includes leading a team of security professionals throughout Asia in delivering strategic risk management and crisis response capabilities to support ABB business operations.

Miwako Otaki
Manager of CSR Section, Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (SMM)

Working at the Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., Miwako is engaged with production of the integrated report, formulation of the “Vision for 2030”, which is a milestone for achieving the long-term vision and the inculcation activities. SMM identified 11 material issues, including issues related to human rights, such as” Rights of Indigenous Peoples” and” Human Rights in the Supply Chain”, and are proceeding with initiatives. Prior to the current position, she was engaged with CSR and ESG-related work at the precision instruments company and the food company.

Claude Voillat
Economic Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 
On behalf of the ICRC, he is now leading a major joint partnership with the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) under the title ‘Addressing Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments’ – a project focusing on the development and dissemination of good practices for business operating in complex security environments.

Akiko Yamamoto
Associate, Office of the Economic Advisor, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Working at the ICRC HQ in Geneva, Akiko provides support to businesses operating in complex environments, such as conflict-affected and high-risk zones, in respecting human rights.
Prior to the current position, she had worked for the Japan Tobacco Group for 8 years. In the CSR department, Akiko was in charge of developing a human rights policy and due diligence processes, produced the first group-wide sustainability report and engaged with ESG investors.