赤十字国際委員会×上智大学 公開セミナー「紛争の現場で一番必要な支援とは?」

場所:上智大学 四谷キャンパス 2号館17階国際会議場
参加申込み方法:こちらのウェブサイトからご登録ください (要事前登録)
使用言語:英語と日本語 ※同時通訳あり
長野智子 キャスター(モデレーター)
ドミニク・シュティルハルト 赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)事業局長
ICRCに入って約四半世紀、現場とジュネーブ本部において要職を歴任。 イスラエルやスーダンでICRC代表部の首席代表を務めるなど現場経験に長け、非常事態や緊迫した状況下においてその手腕を振るう。
大鷹正人 外務省総合外交政策局審議官
東大作 上智大学グローバル教育センター教授
上智大学にてグローバル教育センターと国際関係研究所を兼務。NHKディレクターとしてNHKスペシャル「イラク復興 国連の苦闘」(世界国連記者協会銀賞)などを企画制作。退職後、カナダのブリテイッシュ・コロンビア大学大学院政治学科で修士、博士号を取得。国連アフガン支援団和解再統合チームリーダー、東京大学准教授、国連日本政府代表部の公使参事官などを経て、2016年4月より上智大学。著書に「平和構築」(岩波新書)、「我々はなぜ戦争をしたのか」(平凡社ライブラリー)、Challenges of Constructing Legitimacy in Peacebuilding (Routledge2015)、編著に「人間の安全保障と平和構築」(日本評論社)など。
イベントについてのお問合せ先:上智大学国際協力人材育成センター(E-mail: hrc-ic@cl.sophia.ac.jp)
Open Seminar: ICRC × Sophia University
What is the most needed humanitarian action in conflicts?
〜Protracted Warfare and Persistent Human Suffering
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization, whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance.
Due to the increase of protracted conflicts in urban areas, and in responding to growing humanitarian needs, the ICRC provides not only emergency humanitarian assistance to meet the short-term humanitarian needs, but also addresses mid-term and long-term needs towards sustainable development of the people beyond the scars of the conflict.
In this seminar, the ICRC will give overview on the current circumstances in the field and humanitarian needs as well as to discuss the challenges in humanitarian crisis and contributions from Japan.
Date & Time:
31 October 2018 (Wed) 18:30-20:00
International Conference Hall, Building 2, Sophia University (Yotsuya Campus)
- Tomoko Nagano, Anchorperson
Born in New Jersey, US. She started her career at Fuji Television as a broadcaster after obtaining a bachelor’s degree in English studies from Sophia University in 1985. She became freelance in 1990 and moved to the US, where she received a master’s degree in “Media and the Environment” studies from New York University in 1999. In 2000, as catapulted to a TV news anchor of “The Scope” (TV Asahi), Ms Nagano returned her base to Japan. Currently she appears on TV Asahi’s weekend news show “Sunday Station” as a main anchorperson, while serving as Editor at Large for Huffpost Japan.
- Tomoko Nagano, Anchorperson
- Dominik Stillhart, Dicector of Operations, ICRC
Dominik Stillhart has spent 27 years with the ICRC and has senior-level experience in the field and at headquarters. He has wide experience of various operational contexts and roles, and in handling crisis and emergency operations. Prior to joining the headquarters as deputy director of operations in 2007, he had served 15 years in the field primarily in Africa, the Balkans and the Middle East. Assignments included postings as Head of Delegation in Sudan and Israel and the occupied territories. Before being appointed as Director of Operations in 2014, he was head of the ICRC People Management Programme.
- Dominik Stillhart, Dicector of Operations, ICRC
- Masato Otaka, Deputy Director General, Foreign Policy Bureau, MOFA
Masato Otaka, born in 1961, graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1986, and entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the same year. Otaka has worked in numerous posts especially related to economics and Asia, including Director of Economic Partnership Division, Director of the Southwest Asia Division, and Deputy Director-General of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau. After that, he worked as the Economic Minister at the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, then Deputy Press Secretary of MOFA. Since July 2017, he is the Ambassador of UN Affairs, as well as the Deputy Director-General of the Foreign Policy Bureau at MOFA.
- Masato Otaka, Deputy Director General, Foreign Policy Bureau, MOFA
- Daisaku Higashi, Professor, Sophia University
Daisaku Higashi worked for NHK, Japan Public TV station as a Program Director and produced numerous TV documentaries, including “Rebuilding Iraq: Challenges of the United Nations” which received the silver medal from UN Correspondents Association in 2004. He then completed his MA and Ph.D. in Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Canada. In 2010, he worked for United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan as a Team Leader for Reconciliation in Kabul. He then worked for the University of Tokyo as Associate Professor; he also served as a Minister-Counsellor in the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations from 2012 to 2014; he returned to the University of Tokyo and transferred to the tenure position at Sophia University in 2016. His publication includes, “Challenges of Constructing Legitimacy in Peacebuilding” (Routledge 2015).
- Daisaku Higashi, Professor, Sophia University
Please register from the following website: https://eipo.jp/sophia/seminars/view/17032
(Advance registration required)