TICAD7 公式サイドイベント :保健分野における課題と、人間の安全保障の実現に向けた“イノベーティブ”な取り組み












  • 日時:      2019年8月29日(木) 13:00 – 14:30
  • 場所:      パシフィコ横浜 (アネックス202)
                  〒220-0012 横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1
  • 主催:      赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)

※言語: 英語、日本語 (同時通訳あり)



 早稲田大学教授 勝間 靖

勝間 靖



赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)総裁 ペーター・マウラー


国際協力機構(JICA)理事長 北岡 伸一
北岡 伸一



国際協力機構(JICA)理事 鈴木 規子
鈴木 規子


ガーナ共和国 保健省政策立案・監視・評価担当局長


サラヤ株式会社代表取締役社長 更家 悠介
更家 悠介


株式会社AfricaScanゼネラルマネージャー 藤本 沙弥香
藤本 沙弥香




K-C. Mackenzie/ICRC

The concept of human security was first introduced by the UNDP 25 year ago. Later, the United Nations adopted General Assembly resolutions including human security in 2005, and another resolution on human security in 2012. The concept (freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom to live in dignity) is still relevant today as people continue to be confronted with a variety of threats and stark inequalities, including conflicts, terrorism, natural disasters, poverty and malnutrition – just to name a few – more than ever in today’s world.

One of the biggest threats to human security in Africa is the lack of quality health care. Ensuring accessible, quality health care in Africa remains a challenge, especially in poor and remote areas as well as in fragile or conflict-affected settings where local health systems remain weak. Health service delivery is often hindered by a shortage in adequately trained health personnel and disrupted supply chains, and further compounded by large population displacements, attacks on healthcare institutions and evolving patterns of disease.

In the health sector, the impact of violence and conflict is reaching new dimensions and turning into a global health problem, affecting people’s lives and dignity and destroying coping mechanisms in local communities. Meanwhile, the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has been rapidly rising worldwide. People are living longer, but not necessarily in a healthy state. Therefore, developing countries will have to deal with not only maternal and child health and infectious diseases, but also NCDs. In addition to these challenges, increasing interconnectivity and evolving geopolitical and technological trends are leading to new kinds of threats, such as data fraud and theft, the digital divide, cyberattacks and large-scale migration (World Economic Forum, 2019). There is a growing need to revisit and revitalize the concept of human security, taking these changes into consideration.

In times where the challenges to the health sector remain serious and “No one left behind” continues to be an aspirational goal envisaged in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), innovative approaches and broad partnerships are indispensable even in difficult situations. Innovative partnerships enable combining the expertise of different actors and coordinating practical and context-adapted responses on the ground. To this end, not only collaboration with governments and humanitarian and development actors, but also with the private sector and international funding institutions are essential.

This side event will address the relevance of the concept of human security in today’s world and contribute to the discussion and debate on finding innovative responses to the challenges in the health sector in Africa to achieve human security. The side event will further aim at defining synergies with each other’s work in this field and discuss a potential partnership between development actors and a humanitarian actor as well as potentials to expand collaboration with the private sector.

Date and Venue

  • Date:     29 August 2019
  • Time:     13:00-14:30
  • Venue:   PACIFICO YOKOHAMA Annex Hall 202

※Language: English and Japanese (simultaneous translation)
※Prior registration is not required



  • Yasushi Katsuma, Ph.D., LL.M.
    Waseda University; Institute for Global Health Policy Research (iGHP), the National Center for Global Health & Medicine (NCGM), Japan

[Keynote Speakers]

  • Peter Maurer, President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • Shinichi Kitaoka, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


  • Noriko Suzuki, Senior Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
  • Emmanuel Ankrah Odame,Director of Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation at the Ministry of Health, Ghana
  • Yusuke Saraya, President, Saraya Co., Ltd.
  • Sayaka Fujimoto, General Manager , AfricaScan Inc.