==English follows Japanese.==
ICRCは複雑な環境下で活動する企業が直面し得る課題について事例を含めながら説明するとともに、企業が「Do No Harm原則」をベースとして責任ある企業行動を実践していくための取り組みを支援するため、ICRCとGeneva Centre for Security Sector Governance(DCAF)とのパートナーシップにより策定している実用的なガイダンスやツールを含め、ICRCとしてできるサポートを紹介しました。また、グローバルに事業を展開する住友金属鉱山株式会社とABBグループには、サプライチェーン全体を通して人権を尊重しながら事業活動を行うための具体的な取り組みについてお話いただきました。
DCAF-ICRC パートナーシップの紹介ビデオ
- Doing Responsible Business in Armed Conflict: Rights, Risks and Responsibilities
- Seven Indicators of Corporate Best Practice in International Humanitarian Law
- Toolkit on Addressing Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments
- Conflict Prevention Tool
On 21 October, the ICRC hosted a webinar to discuss how companies can respect human rights of stakeholders and create positive impact on society whilst ensuring their own security in unstable environments. The webinar was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Japan Business Federation, and the Japanese Red Cross Society. 170 people attended from both the public and private sectors, academia and civil society.
During the seminar, two companies operating globally, Sumitomo Metal Mining and ABB, shared their experience and initiatives on implementing responsible business conduct throughout the entire supply chain. The ICRC explained how it can support companies in this regard and its willingness to keep engaging with all stakeholders to help people affected by armed conflict and violence.
To understand how companies can respect human rights and dignity of local communities, the following resources are useful.